I'm an ardent watch wearer, I feel so naked without it (I even wear it to bed!). So when my old watch broke and the brand Daniel Wellington wanted to send me a new one, it was hard to decline. I chose this one in Rose Gold with a black dial and am very happy with my choice. I got inspired to make a cherry rose smoothie bowl with an almond dial, both pretty and delicious!

Here's all you need to make it (plus some almond butter). Don't be put off by the cauliflower (!), you can't taste it - it just adds a nice texture and some extra nutrition.
1 handfull of cherries (pitted)
2 handfulls of frozen banans
2 handfulls of frozen cauliflower
2 tablespoons cacao powder
a splash of almond milk
for topping: cherries, almonds and mint leaves.
Throw it all in the blender and blend blend blend. Adjust the consistency with almond milk, keep it mind it needs to be quite thick to hold the toppings.
Like so. So much chocolatey goodness!
To make the cherry roses I simply used the technique from this Youtube tutorial.
Add almonds and cute little mint leaves to make a beautiful clock face.

And if you want to get a beautiful watch too, you can use the promo code IDAFROSK to get 15% off your order at danielwellington.com (expires 31.07.2017). ;)
good post