Tuesday, 11 February 2014

2013 for IdaFrosk

Behind the scenes on my food art work for Castello. 
Wow, 2013 was a very crazy year for me - so many good and surprising things happened all at once. Here's a quick look on some of the main happenings that marked the year.  

January: Got recommended by the Instagram team and went from 10,000 to 35,000 followers in a day. Worldwide attention followed!

From my column in Copenhagen Food Magazine.
February: Started my columns in Foreldre & BarnCopenhagen Food Magazine and Bokvennen Literary Magazine.

Easter bunnies for Godt.no. 
March: Started my column at Godt.no

April: Appared live on BBC Breakfast via Skype. Later on Norwegian Breakfast TV. Turned 100,000 followers. 

May: Spoke at Visueltdagene in Oslo (convention for graphical artists). 

Campaign posters for food recycling in Oslo.
June: Did a campaign for food recycling in Oslo. Did another campaign for a supermarket

July: Took leave from my job at Statistics Norway to be a full time food artist for a year. 

My books!
August: Book published in Norwegian and English. Book launch breakfast. Øya festival workshop. Did stuff for Vogue. Had my pictures exhibited at the Day of Photography at the National Museum of Photography in Norway. 

September: Matstreif festival and book festival. Feature on Deutsche Welle

Literally cheesy artwork recreations for Castello cheese.
October: Moved to Berlin + book launch in Paris. Did campaign for Castello cheese. Launched my book promo videos

November: Did Christmas cookie feature for Norwegian newspaper VG. 
Feature on new ways to make Christmas cookies.
December: Had my photo in a group exhibition in Berlin, Germany. Christmas book giveaway. 

As for 2014? Some exciting things coming up, keep posted. :) 



  1. Congratulations!
    Hope 2014 is even more exciting and full of success for you as you are so talented :D


  2. For et magisk år :) håper dette blir like bra.

  3. this is so pretty and definitely my kind of everyday food.

    Workshop Chocolade Maken & High Tea Workshop

  4. Jeg føler jeg har et stykke å gå! Takk for inspirasjonen, selv om motivasjon sammen med krativitet ofte svikter når en står der dautrøtt og skal lage 12 skiver. Når da hvert av de tre barna har 15-20 preferanser og ønsker er det litt av en kabal som skal på plass! :)


  5. I hope 2014 is going to be as rich as 2013 for you! I am moving to Oslo in two weeks, I can say I know a very famous Norvegian woman!!!
