Monday, 3 November 2014

Tasty Bonfire Night Celebrations with Stella Kids!

Owls watching colorful fireworks. Pancakes, yoghurt, dried blueberries, fruit.

 In collaboration with Stella Kids, the children's brand of British designer and lifetime vegetarian Stella McCartney, I have created a number of plates celebrating Bonfire Night (also known as Guy Fawkes Night).

Bonfire Night is primarily a British tradition, taking place annually on November 5th. It is a celebration of a failed attempt to blow up the Houses of Parliament and kill the king in 1605, led by a man called Guy Fawkes. All around the country people gather around bonfires, sending up fireworks and enjoying good food together.
To find inspiration for the food art, I first looked at the Stella Kids collection. The clothes feature a lot of fun and quirky animal characters, which led me to ponder how the animals would take to celebrating Bonfire Night. So that became my starting point for creating ideas. To create the food art itself, I did some research on what people usually eat on the night and used what I could from that in the final plates. Classics such as caramel apples, baked potatoes, sausages (vegan of course!) and bean stews are all featured in some form or another.

The owls (above) would obviously sit in their wisdom on a branch and watch the colorful spectacle with composure, I imagined. 

Rabbits grilling carrots. Bread, bell pepper, cheese, carrot, sugar peas, pepper corns.
While the rabbits would take the opportunity to grill some tasty carrots over the bonfire.
Polar bear with apple sparkler. Yoghurt, chocolate chips, almonds, apple, caramel, silver sprinkles. 

The polar bear, though out of his element, would really love holding a caramel apple sparkler to light up the cold winter night.

Dog hiding from fireworks. Potatoes, cheddar, peppercorns, spinach, corn.
The poor dog would probably be hiding in his roasted potato dog house because it doesn't like all the noise from the fireworks.

Cat enjoying the bonfireplace. Black beans, yoghurt, vegan sausage, pumpkin, bell pepper, spinach.
Lastly, the cat would definitely curl up in front of the bonfire, as it loves getting warm and cozy.

So that was my little turn around the animal world on Bonfire Night, I wish you all a happy celebration!


Friday, 18 July 2014

IdaFrosk Pecha Kucha talk

In February this year, I did a 6 minute 40 second talk for Pecha Kucha night in Oslo. I talked about what it's like to eat breakfast with 200,000 people on Instagram, how I ended up getting so many followers and some things I've learned along the way. You can watch all of it here, and I even did it in English to make it accessible to a larger audience. Enjoy!

Saturday, 7 June 2014

Winner of the GIVEAWAY

Det kom inn mange fantastiske svar på hva kaffe betyr for folk, både her og på Instagram, så jeg måtte bare trekke tilfeldig. Kommentarene fra nett ble lagt inn som nummer 1-5 og deretter kom Instagram-kommentarene. 

Vinneren av kaffetrakteren fra Moccamaster ble nummer 33, som var brukeren @romvesen på Instagram. 
Takk til alle som deltok, jeg storkoste meg med å lese!


Friday, 6 June 2014

GIVEAWAY and Coffee Hazelnut Pancakes!

Åh, jeg elsker kaffe - den aromatiske duften, den deilige ristede smaken, den lille meditative pausen... Det gir litt ekstra magi i hverdagen. Jeg drikker vanligvis kun en eller to kopper om dagen, så jeg liker å forsikre meg om at dette er virkelig god kaffe.   

I absolutely love coffee - the aromatic smell, the deliciously roasted taste, the little meditative break... It all adds a little extra zing to everyday life. I will usually drink just one or two cups a day so I like to make sure that those are some really good cups of coffee. 

Jeg har blitt mer og mer interessert i kaffe opp gjennom årene og jeg eier ikke mindre enn fem forskjellige apparater til å lage kaffe med. Så da Moccamaster spurte om jeg var interessert i å teste dere nye kaffetrakter vant nysgjerrigheten over bekymringen om plass på kjøkkenet, og jeg sa ja. 

Over the years I've become more and more interested in speciality coffee and I own no less than five different devices to make coffee with. So when Moccamaster asked me whether I was interested in testing their new coffee maker, my curiosity won over my worry about kitchen space and I said yes. 

Kaffetrakteren kalles Cup-one og er en slags mini-versjon av de store Moccamaster-trakterne. Den lager kun en stor kopp med kaffe, så den er perfekt for single eller husholdninger der en person står opp før den andre (slik som i min). Den gir deg friheten til å selv velge hvilke kaffebønner du vil og er enkel å bruke. Smaken på kaffen er sterk, men god. Alt i alt er det et fint tillegg til min kaffeapparat-samling for de gangene jeg trenger en ekstra boost. 

The coffee maker is called the Cup-one and it's basically a mini version of the large Moccamaster brewers. It makes just one big cup of coffee, so it's perfect for single people or households with one early riser (i.e. like mine). It gives you the freedom to choose the coffee beans you want and is easy to use. The coffee it makes i strong, but good. All in all, it's a nice addition to my coffee maker collection for those times when I just need an extra boost. 

GIVEAWAY: Jeg har fått lov å dele kaffegleden ved å gi bort en Cup-one-pakke med kaffetrakter, kaffekvern, kopper og fire poser kaffebønner til en av mine norske lesere eller følgere på Instagram! Du må bo i Norge, ellers er alt du trenger å gjøre å legge igjen en kommentar på denne bloggposten eller på Instagram der du beskriver hva slags effekt dagens første kaffekopp har på deg (gjerne med før/etter-bilde, hehe). Jeg annonserer vinneren her på bloggen og på Instagram i morgen (lørdag 7.juni). 

To share the coffee joy, I've been allowed to give away a Cup-one package containing the coffee maker, a coffee grinder, cups and four bags of coffee beans to one of my Norwegian readers. Since you have to live in Norway to take part, the specifics will be written in Norwegian only (sorry!). 

Nå over til mat... 

Jeg drikker faktisk sjelden kaffe til frokost, rett og slett fordi magen min ikke er klar for det så tidlig. Men siden jeg liker smaken ble jeg inspirert til å lage pannekaker med kaffesmak (formet som ugler før-og-etter kaffedrikking såklart). Hasselnøtt, bokhvete og kaffe smaker godt sammen og litt kakaonibs (eller sjokoladebiter) i røren gir deilig tekstur. Nydelig, prøv dem! 

Now onto food... 

I actually rarely drink coffee with my breakfast, simply because my stomach is just not ready for it that early. But since I love the flavours, I got inspired to make coffee infused pancakes (in the shape of owls before/after drinking coffee obviously). The flavours of hazelnut, buckwheat and coffee go so great together and adding in some cocoa nibs (or chocolate chips!) just makes them pop even more. Super yummy, try them!    

Kaffepannekaker med hasselnøtt, bokhvete og kakaonibs 
Til 1 sulten person

Tørre ingredienser: 
6 ss hasselnøttmel (malte hasselnøtter)
6 ss bokhvetemel (ev. sammalt hvete fin) 
1 ts bakepulver
1 ts finkvernet kaffe

Våte ingredienser: 
1 egg 
2 ss melk (gjerne hasselnøttmelk, men alle typer går)
2 ss sterk kaffe, kald
1 ss lønnesirup
1 ss kokosolje, smeltet (ev. rapsolje) 
1/2 ts vaniljeekstrakt

Valgfri tilsetning:
1 ss kakaonibs (eller sjokoladebiter) 

Instruksjoner: 1. Lag kaffen først og kjøl den ned (fryser er fint). Bland sammen de tørre ingrediensene. Dersom du ikke har hasselnøttmel, kan du enkelt kjøre hasselnøtter til mel i en food processor. Om du velger rå eller ristede hasselnøtter er opp til deg. 
2. Visp sammen de våte ingrediensene, og kombiner lett med det tørre, unngå overmiksing. Ha i kakaonibs (eller sjokoladebiter) om ønskelig. 
4. Stek på medium varme et par minutter på hver side til de er gyldne. Form gjerne som ugler og pynt med gresk yoghurt og kaffebønner (for ekstra koffein-boost!). 

Coffee Hazelnut Pancakes 
For hungry 1 person

Dry ingredients: 

6 Tbsp hazelnut flour (ground hazelnuts) 
6 Tbsp buckwheat flour (substitute fine wholewheat flour) 
1 tsp baking powder 
1 tsp ground coffee 

Wet ingredients: 

1 egg
2 Tbsp milk (hazelnut milk is delicious but any will do) 
2 Tbsp strong coffee, cooled 
1 Tbsp maple syrup
1 Tbsp coconut oil, melted (alt: rapeseed oil) 
1/2 tsp vanilla extract 

Optional mix-in: 
1 Tbsp cocoa nibs or chocolate chips 

1. Make the coffee first, and cool it down, using the freezer is fine. Mix the dry ingredients together. If you don't have hazelnut flour, you can make it by processing hazelnuts in a food processor. Choosing raw or roasted hazelnuts is up to you. 
2. Stir together the wet ingredients, and combine lightly with the dry stuff (don't over mix!). Toss in the cacao nibs (or chocolate chips). 
3. Fry for a few minutes on each side, until golden. Feel free to shape them like owls and decorate with Greek yoghurt and coffee beans (guaranteed extra coffein boost!). 


// Innlegget er skrevet som en del av mitt samarbeide med Moccamaster. //

Thursday, 15 May 2014

Ranked One of the 100 Most Creative People in Business 2014!

Yay, the American business magazine Fast Company has ranked me as one of the top 100 most creative people in business in 2014. I'm incredibly honoured, humbled and happy of course! The other people on the list range from entertainers (like Jerry Seinfeld) to neuroscientists, fashion designers to app developers, architects and academics - all very cool individuals and causes. See all the winners and my profile

I made a special self portrait just for Fast Company, and above you can see how it came to life! 


Tuesday, 11 February 2014

2013 for IdaFrosk

Behind the scenes on my food art work for Castello. 
Wow, 2013 was a very crazy year for me - so many good and surprising things happened all at once. Here's a quick look on some of the main happenings that marked the year.  

January: Got recommended by the Instagram team and went from 10,000 to 35,000 followers in a day. Worldwide attention followed!

From my column in Copenhagen Food Magazine.
February: Started my columns in Foreldre & BarnCopenhagen Food Magazine and Bokvennen Literary Magazine.

Easter bunnies for 
March: Started my column at

April: Appared live on BBC Breakfast via Skype. Later on Norwegian Breakfast TV. Turned 100,000 followers. 

May: Spoke at Visueltdagene in Oslo (convention for graphical artists). 

Campaign posters for food recycling in Oslo.
June: Did a campaign for food recycling in Oslo. Did another campaign for a supermarket

July: Took leave from my job at Statistics Norway to be a full time food artist for a year. 

My books!
August: Book published in Norwegian and English. Book launch breakfast. Øya festival workshop. Did stuff for Vogue. Had my pictures exhibited at the Day of Photography at the National Museum of Photography in Norway. 

September: Matstreif festival and book festival. Feature on Deutsche Welle

Literally cheesy artwork recreations for Castello cheese.
October: Moved to Berlin + book launch in Paris. Did campaign for Castello cheese. Launched my book promo videos

November: Did Christmas cookie feature for Norwegian newspaper VG. 
Feature on new ways to make Christmas cookies.
December: Had my photo in a group exhibition in Berlin, Germany. Christmas book giveaway. 

As for 2014? Some exciting things coming up, keep posted. :) 
